Retrain your Brain My favorite subliminal Messages Free!

I have often spoken about the importance of self talk and subliminal messages. If you want to accomplish anything you first need to believe in what you are doing. If we do not believe in our ability to accomplish what we set out to do then it wont happen. The same is true if we do believe! Our world is a manifestation of what we believe. Therefore, making sure we are programing our minds for success is so important. I wanted to provide a link to the video I like a lot for subliminal messages that are free on you tube!

Expecting Miracles


Each and every day in order to create what we want in our life we need to learn to expect miracles to happen each and every day. We are very clearly all energy and that energy brings us what we want. This is why when you see someone smiling you are drawn to them or the happiest people in your life seem to just gain everything  that they need with no effort whatsoever. It is because these people literally expect miracles to happen.


“Everything we are is a collection of what we have thought!”


For example, I was sitting in my car about 2 months ago  speaking with one of my best friends Julie; She was asking me about what my perfect man would be like and although; I had never thought about this before because I have simply just focused on being happy and accepted the people in my life. I began explaining the person I would want if I were to marry someone. I want someone compassionate, and loving, who will protect me and is strong. I explained I care for a fair complexion, He had to be a great Kisser,( and of course a few other specs… if you catch my drift lol) . I literally told her If god brought me this person I would then settle down but, I was not sure that I was suppose to be with anyone. I continued and explained how I wanted someone who supported my beliefs and helped me with my goals and liked how I think big and need to create constantly. Then Lastly, I said I really want someone who will sing with me.  In other words I was awfully particular….


Well, That night I gave someone my number. Now, at the time I knew nothing about him and I was just like ok cool well Ill go to the party next weekend. Cant Hurt ! That week we texted a few times and this boy told me how compassion and helping others is important to him. He told me a lot about himself and over the cost of the week I was far more interested. So Julie, and I went down to the party and I got a chance to spend some time with Ryan, the boy I had given my number to. Well, so far I knew we had the same principals and Beliefs, he was fair which I have always liked blonds but in my head we seemed to different for him to have a lot of my other qualities I found important. Well, guess what I got a chance to kiss him that night and In my life I never want to kiss anyone again. It is amazing, Loving and caring yet he is strong and takes control. Well, at this point I was surprised with this quiet boy and asked him if he likes to sing. He said only in my car to myself. SO I was like damn it he cant sing! Almost perfect right. Well last night, I was singing and he put me on his lap and sang with me. Guess what his voice is beautiful. Turns out my quiet boy just never sang loud enough for anyone to hear him.


I just assumed that person would come and knew even if he didn’t it would not matter because I was so happy already with all I had been given. I stated what I wanted and completely let go of any need for it. That same day I ran in to that exact person. Did god already plan us meeting or was it me that attracted him in my life. I do not care I love him so very much and have never been so In love and sure about anything in my life. I love you RYAN!


written by Nichole Grimshaw

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How do you find your Peace


You can find NO peace unless you find it from within! I heard this statement today and wanted to expand on this idea. So many people look for happiness and peace from others around us or from material possessions. The true way to find peace is to begin to look at how we view our lives in our current state rather than always grabbing for more from people and things. If we are always chasing what might come next when will we find happiness. Ask yourself if you are always thinking ill be happy when________ happens. Or ask yourself how often you stop and Appreciate people, give back, and show gratitude for what you do have. This is an important step in finding peace from with in. The next important step in finding peace from with in is to start changing your belief in yourself. Start thinking about how you talk to yourself during the day. Do you use the word cant often? I encourage all people to start telling themselves how wonderful they are and encourage the things you believe you are great at! These two steps are an easy way to change your life now and become happier each and every day!


written by Nichole Grimshaw

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Indespensable Leadership Qualities

ImageWhen looking at great leaders and People who are able to guide others in a positive and fulfilling direction there are a few crucial qualities someone must develop with in themselves. These qualities are some of the qualities that people find motivating in a leader and will help you gain respect and love from your team!


1. Integrity and Honesty– I place this quality first on the list because a person without integrity will always have there decisions questioned by the people who value honesty and integrity in their own lives. If you are doing things that hurt others or make the world around people a worse place for your own gain then you can never be a true leader. For example, a drug dealer who commands respect through power, and control never leads. Have you ever wondered why violence runs so deep within these people. It is because they can not gain respect from the people around them without forcing it on them!


2. Commitment to your cause– No one who is successful at building a team of people or gaining the respect of their peers has ever quit on their cause or purpose. They are so deeply involved that when something does not work the way they wanted they simply adjust the course of their sale and keep sailing towards their goal. This commitment in itself is assuring to those who are following you and shows strength in your belief in yourself and ability to accomplish what is needed.


3. Openness- The quality of openness is understood as a personality trait we express. I recently watched on the Dr. Phil show a way to test just how open you are to new ideas and how accepting you are of others and what they think. Its really simple, How do you feel about PDA! As ridiculous as it seems open people are usually accepting of PDA and even seem to find it nice. This is because they do not feel like they need to control the actions of others. Good leaders are open people who will accept criticism and look in to the ideas of the people they lead. They collaborate more and control less!


4. Consistency- Good leaders realize that small actions add up to big things! They consistently act each day to hit the goals. This can be as simple as making a couple phone calls but they realize every action matters no matter how small! Also, they are consistent with the decisions they make and how they handle the people around them. It is much better to have a systematic approach!


5. They think Big and Go the Extra Mile–  Good leaders can see the whole picture and only focus on the end result. This motivates true leaders to go the extra mile and understand that no matter what happens they will get what needs to be done done. One of my favorite quotes is actually something Yoda says to Luke in Star Wars He says NO TRY NOT, DO OR DO NOT, THERE IS NO TRY! This is how a leader acts towards there goal because no matter what obstacle is set in front of their goal the goal itself is so big that they can always see it and keep moving towards it!


6. They Know the people they lead Personally and Professionally– They care about the people who are around them and although having a professional relationship is important they genuinely care about the well being of the people who they lead more than the job that needs to be done. This is why true leaders develop a personal relationship with the people they lead!




written by Nichole Grimshaw

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Create a Habit of Personal Development



When it comes to success we need to consistently participate in self development that will aid us in reaching our goals . Creating positive habits of successful people can be one of the more difficult but more beneficial changes a person can make early on with the goal setting and Leadership process. For anyone who wants to find success whether it be running your own business, going back to school to better yourself, or taking on a trade or art the best first step to take is to change ingrained negative habits in to positive ones. Below you will find 4 ways to start to change your Habits and begin to to work towards your goals.


1. Positive Thought– Change the way you talk to yourself and about yourself. Nothing is stronger than the power of belief. The more you say you can do something or are doing something the more motivated you will become. The same is true if you feel like a task is difficult or cant be done; Either way you are RIGHT!


2. Make the most of your time– Ask yourself in each task Am I making the most of my time? the majority of people spend time online surfing the web, watching TV, shopping or doing other various meaningless tasks that do not help you reach your goals. Are you just doing meaningless tasks and what is most important. I recommend creating daily objectives to be hit that will help you make the small steps to getting the goals you set accomplished.


3. Don’t get frustrated if you do not see immediate results– many of us have been trained to want instant gratification and when we do not see reinforcement for each objective we tend have the need psychologically to please ourselves and this often leads to quitting right before things start to pay off! I recommend setting up a reward program for yourself to help motivate yourself to continue working hard through the small daily objectives you have set up.


4. self study- learn about yourself and what you believe. This will involve looking inwards and overhauling the psychological information ingrained in your subconscious mind. For example, how well do you believe you perform various tasks, is your self esteem high or low and once you see your strengths and weaknesses begin to reprogram your mind to focus on success and positive attributes. I highly recommend using subliminal messages and Positive self talk


written by Nichole Grimshaw

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The importance of Goal setting and writing Objectives



Goal setting is something that is crucial in achieving anything you want in your life. The act of setting a goal when done properly does a couple crucial things that will lead you to organize your projects even if you do not know how to achieve a goal in the end. The reason goal setting is important is because it will allow you to come up with small objectives that when added up as a whole leads you to the final destination. Think of the goal as the Destination and the Objective as each step towards your journey.


How to set a Good Goal- 


First in order for a goal to be good it needs to have a time frame this will give you perspective and motivation on what you need to achieve and allows you to measure your goal. For example, I am finishing up my Ebook now i am writing now and my original goal was as stated.


I will finish my e book by the end of July this year.


The other important aspect of a goal is it should be broad and cover all aspects this is the big picture you want to achieve. This is the end result instead of the means to get there. I am sure you have all heard the saying you don’t need to see the whole staircase just take the first step. The goal is always your final destination.


How to create good objectives- 


The objectives are the small actions you need to take every day that will move you towards your goal. I personally live by “The Rule of 5” therefore i take 5 steps i think are important every day towards achieving my goal. Objectives are small actions that are measurable and should be done quickly and regularly. for example, one of my objectives today is


Tonight, I will research at least, 5 spiritually successful people and find at least 3 commonalities in their processes and how they live their life for my e book.


Goals and objectives are an important step to creation process and practiced amongst all successful individuals. I guarantee if you begin to write out what you are working towards and apply writing objectives daily towards your goal these small steps will add up to an amazing end result you will be proud of.


written by Nichole Grimshaw

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When you meet someone who just seems to be loved by all people around them do you ever wonder what it is that draws people in. Many times we say it is charisma and charm, positivity or I have even heard people blame this likeability on looks. It is true that these things can make a positive first impression but they never sustain likeability. The one quality you do find amongst the most loved and respected people is there capability to appreciate the efforts and qualities of others around them. For example, Oprah one of the most loved people in the entire world gives back to millions of people and recognizes the strengths of others in the majority of her programs. Yet, when you look at her physically she is nothing special and still she has the ability to influence millions of us each and every day. Now Oprah has many ways to show appreciation to the people in her life and the world who deserve it but on a smaller level we can definitely begin to do the same things. Here are a couple of ways to show appreciation today for the people in your life who are amazing!


written by Nichole Grimshaw

twitter wahsmirgelohcin 

20 Simple Ways To Show Appreciation

Post written by Sherri Kruger
  1. A heart felt thank-you note/card.
  2. Gift certificate to their favorite coffee shop.
  3. Fresh baking for their early morning meeting.
  4. Fresh cut flowers to be passed around the office. Include a card that says: A little something to brighten your day. I’m yours for two hours then give me away.
  5. Invite your friend or co-worker out for a cup of coffee or a drink after work.
  6. Lend a hand when a friend or family member is painting or remodeling their home.
  7. If you know your friend wants to get organized but is having a tough time starting, buy them a book on organizing, some containers and nice notebook.
  8. Cook a meal so they don’t have to after a long day at work.
  9. Frame one of their favorite pictures.
  10. Share a plant or a plant clipping.
  11. Pick up some groceries and drop them off on your way home.
  12. Return a favor. If your neighbor always shovels your walk way or mows your grass get out there before him or her and do theirs for a change.
  13. Watch your niece or nephew for an afternoon to give their parents some time off.
  14. Make reservations at their favorite restaurant.
  15. Make a candle light dinner at home for your spouse.
  16. Give a hug. Yes it can be that simple.
  17. Tell them what you think they are particularly great at.
  18. Write notes to leave on a pillow, a computer keyboard, or in a lunch box.
  19. Give a hand made gift. Winter is in full swing here, so how about a knitted scarf or mitts? Or a center piece for their table.
  20. Make a special day just for them. Plan a day for them around what they enjoy. Go with them if it’s appropriate

Altruism and Oneness

Altruism is the unselfish concern for the welfare of others. Altruism is the scientific term for selflessness. I recently was debating with someone whether it is a genetic trait that we are born with or if altruism is something we consciously choose to do, or if it actually exists at all. From an evolutionary standpoint altruism is counter productive because it does not benefit survival of the individual. Yet, It does Benefit the survival of the species if we are helping each other. If we are looking at people as a whole it has been seen that people will put the greater good as a whole species above the needs and survival of the individual. This is seen for example, on 911 when people ran in to help the survival of others, putting their lives in danger with no real benefit to the individual. This is our oneness we look at and if we are motivated to survive as a whole species is it selflessness if genetically we are driven to act and help in these situations. Tell me what your views are?


written by Nichole Grimshaw

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Self Sacrifice The Most Important trait of Unconditional Love

I was recently watching The hungers Games which tells the amazing story of a girls self sacrifice to save her sister and later on a boy from where her same district. Self sacrifice is defined as giving up ones self interests for the benefit of others or a cause. I find nothing in life more beautiful than self sacrifice. each and every time I experience someone showing true compassion and empathy in this way I am brought to tears. Giving up on our ego to save or help the ones we love is the highest purpose and form of love we can show. Think to yourself who you would be willing to sacrifice it all for and realize that is true the first trait of  unconditional love.